58PRTEST Dual Gauge Tester Designed to Ensure that Primary and Secondary Regulators are Reading Correctly
Additional information
2.074 lbs
10 × 9 × 4 in
Explanation of Use
Testing tool used to determine if regulators are reading correctly.
With the open ended hose side you can attach it directly to the hose barb of a primary or secondary regulator and compare the two gauges that are on the tester to the reading on the regulator.
Two gauges are used on the tester so that you can determine which gauge is reading the correct pressure – with only one gauge was on the tester, If the regulator gauge is reading different than the single gauge on the tester which is correct? – with two gauges you can see:
1. If both gauges on the tester read the same as your regulator then it is putting out the pressure that it is reading.
2. If only one of your gauges matches the gauge on the regulator then the gauge on your tester is bad.
3. If both gauges read the same on the tester but different on the regulator, your regulator isn’t reading correctly.
These processes are used when installing a new system or new regulators to an already set up system. The tech is able to check his banks of regulators as they are mounted and put under pressure to insure that they are putting out the same pressure that they are reading on the gauge.
The other side of the tester has a cleaning attachment on it, this allows a tech to test a system from the keg coupler after the entire system is set up and running.
This would be used for problem shooting a system that isn’t pouring correctly, the tech would be able to go keg to keg and test if the pressure on the keg is the same as the secondary regulator that is supplying it.
With beer tech’s being more and more educated on the correct dispensing pressure needed to keep a certain brand at the suggested carbonation level while being able to acquire the correct flow rate based on the line run, proper pressure into the keg is essential.
With every beer style imaginable and every microbrew available, today bars are in a constant rotation of beer styles and brands, this requires completely different styles of beer to be put on the same beer line one after the other. With different styles having different CO2 volumes required to stay fresh, being able to adjust the pressure accordingly is important and being sure that the regulator is reading correctly is a must.
Gauge manufacturers say that they are accurate to +/- 1 lbs of pressure so gauges could be off as much as 2 psi from the factory. We also know the abuse that gauges take in the field as well as the cold, damp environment that they are in.